Dedicated to you

The company started its activity in the assembling of HV (High Voltage) and Medium Voltage (MV) lines, its main customer being EDP (Electricity of Portugal).

Over the years, it has grown in other business areas, starting in construction and telecommunications, with PORTUGAL TELECOM as its customer.

From 1990, it included the areas of LV (Low Voltage) and VW (Voltage Work) of Medium and High Voltage.

In 2003, it qualified to Supply of Materials and Services of Very High Voltage Lines (150, 220 and 400 kV) to the concessionaire of the Portuguese National Electricity Grid (REN - National Electricity Grid), starting from that date to carry out works in the area of Very High Voltage. 

Since then, the main clients of Silva & Vinha, S.A. are: EDP Power Distribution, REN - National Electricity Grid, Developers of Wind and Photovoltaic Parks and Hydroelectric Plants.

As of 2009, it has consistently fulfilled one of its main objectives - internationalization - by starting to execute works in the area of Very High Voltage Overhead Lines (HTB) in France, on a subcontracting basis for EIFFAGE ENERGIE - TRANSPORT & DISTRIBUTION.

In 2014, it started a Project in the Telecommunications area in Spain, in the construction of FTTH Fiber Optic networks (Fiber-to-the-home), for the Clients LYTEICA, MONTELNOR, COMSA.

In 2015, after having qualified as a Service Provider of the Operator TENNET TSO GmbH, it extends its activity to Works of Very High Voltage Lines (HTB) in Germany, as a direct contractor of the Operator TENNET TSO GmbH.

The Company has a group of experienced professionals, with a high sense of responsibility, technical competence and motivation.